
Future perfect in Spanish

The name of this tense in Spanish is: "Futuro compuesto".

Construction of the Future perfect

The construction is:

[SUBJECT] + ['haber' in simple future (habré)] + [PARTICIPLE]

(Yo) había terminado de comer cuando él llegó
I had finished eating when he came

Auxiliary 'haber' in Imperfect tense

We remember the conjugation of the auxiliary 'haber' in the simple future tense:

Future Indicative (futuro simple del indicativo)

yo habré --
habrás --
él habrá --
nosotros habremos --
vosotros habréis --
ellos habrán --

Uses of Future perfect

This tense is the equivalent of the future perfect in English and has 2 uses:

Showing interrogation

To construct the interrogation, change only the position of the subject:

tú habrás comenzado
you will have started
¿habías comenzado (tú)?
will you have started?


To build the negation, add simply the adverb "no" before the verb:

yo habré dormido
I will have slept
yo no habré dormido
I will not have slept